Eggs Strike the Earth
In order to further advocate students to combine scientific theoretical knowledge with practice, improve students' practical ability and enrich their extracurricular life, on the afternoon of 15th May, the seventh ‘Eggs Strike the Earth’ activity was held by the physics group, which is also one of the traditional characteristic activities of Anqing Foreign Language School.
In the preparatory stage of the activity, the players of each class rushed to sign up and approached the physics teachers to discuss the production ideas during their spare time. Therefore, the students' novel ideas and the teachers' meticulous guidance made each piece of excellent work stand out.
When the test came, the students threw their works from the fourth floor to the designated area under the orders of the judges. Among the 28 works, 26 passed the test -- the eggs were intact and landed accurately. Meanwhile, the audience cheered and applauded from time to time, all cheering for the players.
Finally, according to the rules of the competition, after the measurement and judgment of the judges, 6 first prizes, 8 second prizes and 12 third prizes were determined. Hereby, let's praise the students for their spirit of exploration and practice.